Sasraya News

Saturday, February 15, 2025



After spending more than 20 years in corporate job, Asadulla Sarkar, grown up in rural areas of Murshidabad decided to land up on entrepreneurship path by getting influenced by the philosophical views of Swami Vivekananda, Pandit Sriram Acharjyo, Robin Sharma, Paolo Coelho, David Schwartz, Anthony Robins, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, Lasely Brown and many more international writer. Mr. Sarkar said, “As I got obsessed in study of their best selling books, and Indian ancient Philosophy, I was highly enthusiastic to discover the secret of success in any endeavor. After going through the books of ‘Magic of Thinking big’ it brings the level of my thought at different trajectory. I realized that my current situation is solely reflection of my previous long cherished thoughts. Only dominant thought can manifest in reality.” He is keenly interested to share his knowledge with the millennium of current generation.




We need to develop a deep sense of belief within ourselves where we are good enough.
Also we need to kill our negative belief as immediate as possible. Negative beliefs like I am valueless, I am not good, I am flawed, dull and boring etc. Your success lies in the fact that how much you can identify or recognize those self defeating negative thoughts which create a strong barrier on your growth path.



We must accept this task at first hand to recognize those barriers created by ourselves only and initiate action to eliminate those self destructive thought from our mind. Let’s keep a Godlike watch gourd at the threshold of our mind to scrutinize all our action and thought we indulge during our daily routine. We shouldn’t accept flaws in our character which can destroy our reputation and good images. But unfortunately we fall in the trap of those negative thoughts knowingly or unknowingly while tries to push ourselves in repetitive behavior. Remember we are only responsible for permitting those negative self beliefs to give comfortable shelter in our mind. Consequences of those we repay with unbearable pain and sorrow which could have been rectified beforehand by initiating small and tinny correction in master file of our mind. According to Vernon Howard … ” All forms of self-defeating behavior are unseen and unconscious, which is why their existence is denied.” Most dangerous elements of our life is ego. It can kill anybody. This can bring down somebody from the highest level of success lowest level of failure. Ego only focus on self importance and external validation which hinders our ability to learn and grow. On the contrary humility is the path of success!
We need to focus on our work, not recognition. Our intrinsic satisfaction comes from doing our best. If we promote our recognition we will promote our ego. Ego is the greatest enemy towards the growth path of our life. It’s absolutely correct that ‘Your life doesn’t get better by chance but by change’. Only pre planned action with persistency with patience and tenacity can support us to reach our goal. Following step by step planning you can reach your desired goal. Simultaneously you can change your identity. So key components to change your identity is to change your personality first. Then get obsess towards your desire and make it as burning desire.



To fulfill your burning desire you must initiate strong action. Need to embrace good habit. Many people are not willing to change. They resist change and they confront pain. So pain is created by us only by putting strong barriers in front of changing habits. Resistance to change actually welcoming pain. Resistance to change shows your motivational level as well. You are having wishful desire and you are less motivated. It’s absolutely correct that ‘Your life doesn’t get better by chance but by change’. Only pre planned action with persistency, patience and tenacity can support us to reach our goal. By Following step by step planning you can reach your desired goal. Simultaneously you can change your identity. So key components to change your identity is Changing character. To change your character you need to set your vision and goal. Your body will perform according to your desired goal. Your attitude and body languages are the reflection of your goal. Other than chasing your vision and step by step goal you must focus on your personal development. As a human being we can reach any height of our life by resetting our mindset. So, key is our mindset. The secret of our manifestation lies in our mindset. Personal development can occur by adopting various means like reading books, meeting different people, adopting with changing environment, becoming more resilient etc.



I should have known this earlier that our growth will always face challenges , many obstacles. And here is a point where our character reflects. We can easily comeback to our comfort zone. But true character with tremendous tenacity will bounce back and fight to succeed. So coming out of comfort zone and doing more than currently you are doing is essential. Each and every step of your growth demands sacrifice.





Question is what will you sacrifice to reach your desired goal and vision. Firstly take your time and decide your goal according to your inner calling. I wouldn’t suggest you to do something against your calling. You need to sing the song matching with your heart. Once you have started singing, after a long pause to change your course of action, you shouldn’t look back. Whatever it comes on your path, move forward. Always remember your desired goal and vision. There might be certain reason to embrace this journey. You must clear your ‘why’ before putting step forward. It might be certain noble cause to adopt this path. Whenever you are facing challenges, remember those noble cause and you will put your effort with multiplied strength. You need to sacrifice your negative crab like friends, neighbor, who are comfortable and close minded people. Level of your sacrifice varies according to the strengths of your desire. Remember, you are only alone in your path. Don’t expect support from your closest loved one as well. Just push yourself forward towards your dream destination for the noble cause that you have already decided. Higher would be your desired goal, higher would be the intensity of pain. Just learn to enjoy your path. And without paying price you can not reach extraordinary height. The more you are ready to pay price, the closer you will reach towards the noble destination. Few days ago, I was just listening audio clips of Valumany, a dynamic person built Billion dollar company from scratch. I Can’t forget his remarkable quote like ‘Seven to eleven was my heaven’. So treat your toughness of work schedule as comfort couch which will take you to a beautiful valley. If something awkward happens to you, don’t think that the world is unfair to you. May be this is a test by universe that you need to face to qualify your next level. And why the universe will always favor you? What you have done better for the world? In my knowledge giving and receiving works everywhere. If you give something good to the world, you will receive something good unexpectedly. It works in a reciprocal way. So don’t expect something unbiased fair outcome without being fair to others. Moreover you got to manifest your best version of yourself by facing damages and innumerable setbacks. Only passing time wouldn’t help you to reach that level. Doing mistake is natural part of your life. Only you should take it positively and adopt corrective action. Thomas Alva Edison succeeded in his endeavor to discover electric bulb by Seven hundred failure effort. ‘ I haven’t failed Seven hundred times. I have succeeded in proving that those seven hundred ways will not work. When I have eliminated all the ways that will not work, I will find the way that will work.’



Sachin Tendulkar failed several times before his manifestation at legendary level. Also treat struggle as integral part of your life. Beautiful butterfly transform it’s life from Caterpillar to gorgeous colorful butterfly through a rigorous painful process. So, don’t quit. Always move forward! Never quit attitude with consistency must bring about positive results! Don’t wait for better time to start. Many of us become old by passing valuable time waiting for better circumstances ! Everybody is given 1440 minutes in a day. Your time is now to start flying. Sometimes fear will appear as giant killer on the dark high way of your bumpy path. Learn to make him your friend and have a cup of coffee together. Your so called monstrous friend will disappear soon.
So you’re action should be purposeful.
‘Don’t ask what the world needs… ask what makes you come alive and then you go and do that because what the world needs is people who have comes alive’… Howard Marlin.

Don’t think big at a time. Do your work piece by piece, step by step.

‘I never ran 1000 miles.
I could have never do that.
I ran one mile 1000 times’

Stu Mittleman
World record holder
for ultra distance running.
Failure is integral part of our journey.
‘Would you like me to give you a formula of success?
It’s quite simple really.
Double your rate of failure’

Thomas J Watson
Founder of IBM



So challenges and fear arise in front of you to prepare you for bigger opportunities! Treat all the challenges obstacles as blessings!
Check your belief system. Ask yourself whether you really believe in the processes or system whatever may be your pursuit.

You have to add faith in your belief system. As per Napoleon Hill Faith is the main chemist which plays a key role in manifestation of any dream. Embrace the principle of delayed gratification instead immediate gratification. With the help of this theory you will cultivate patience and persistency which can be a both edged sword to you. A stupid can beat a genius by it’s patience and persistency! Your faith and patience will push you towards your full-fledged action. Never hit your forehead on wall because of absence of result on immediate basis. Before producing good crops you must nourish and fertilize the land for longer period. You must patiently wait for the result. Following those golden principles and processes you will discover new version of yourself! In the process of discovering your new version you will make a paradigm shift in your personality. With your voracious learning attitude you will see the things with different perspective. You will develop moral integrity honesty and pristine character. You will stand strong in front of several rejections. Because nobody will believe you until you genuinely develop those qualities. It will change your body language, attitude and behavior. Always stay with positive people. Spend time with the person who is smarter than you. Eliminate negative people from your life. Don’t make yourself available to everyone. Value your time with fullest concentration. Be accountable with your job responsibilities. Take ownership and act on it. Always make yourself responsible for your results. Understand quickly that you are the main limitation of your life. Irrespective of pain in your brain, seemingly giant like challenges, untold tears in your eyes… have the courage to win. Courage accompanied by positive beliefs with emotional faith are the correct ingredients for success recipe.



Make discipline a mandatory rules in your life. Remember, discipline is a powerful force towards attainment of your goal. It’s not easy to become discipline. It’s hard. Though You will not feel good to follow your discipline. Embrace the habit of doing small and smaller activities doing everyday consistently over and over again. To keep doing so you need to align yourself with your values and vision. Once you got strongly connected with your values and vision, discipline will become automated in your life. You will do the same hard job everyday. No matter how hard it comes. You need not to think big at one point of time. Do even very smaller task on regular basis. Always keep yourself motivated to stay discipline in your pursuit. Visualize your end result and feel it with your Five senses. This will give you power to stay motivated towards your path. Treat any obstacles, resistance as a compulsory part of your life. Enjoy this path by finding out solution for those unavoidable setbacks. Self evaluation is important. Check your level of desire that you hold in your mind. Are you really serious about it or it would be ok if you fail to achieve it. Intensity of your desire will shape your level of effort rather how much discipline you are shall be determined by the intensity of desire. Have you seen a baby asking for chocolate from his father? The baby can do anything to receive his desired item. To convince his/her father child can cry loudly to get this desired things. Your intensity of demand should be that much of strong. It should bring madness within you. You will never get anything if your desire is wishful. Another thing is that you need to develop a strong character. It should be so strong that in the face of adversity, challenges you will stand with courage. Reflection of your original character will unleash while you are at bottom of your life, when everything goes against you, when you loose support and favor from your closed one, when maximum people will misunderstand you. And you stand strong in front of all those suffocating environment and you are busy building your interior of life without deviating from value integrity and moral sense. Maintain smiling face. Though it’s tough but always maintain your smiling face. It has scientific implication as well. Smile will elevate your mood and decrease your stress level. Your happiness will trigger your brain to generate more endorphin, a chemical that reduce your pain and stress.



Another thing, Problems arises in your life not to punish you always but to make your life more colorful. Deeper the problem, broader your opportunities might manifest in front of you. So whenever you are facing problem face it with more enthusiasm, enjoy the process, strengthen your jaws and overcome it with your sporting attitude. Don’t blame your circumstances, rather accept it, evaluate it deeply and proceed with corrective action vigorously. In the process you will become more stronger, richer and more mature than earlier.

We normally tend to focus on results. And results remain dormant. You must focus on your action habit first. If you focus controlling your action habit result will be by product automatically. So, take control on your action input at first hand. Robert Louis Stevenson rightly said ‘ Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you plant’. So always focus on your action, not result.

Image Credit : Internet 

Read More : Self-development : Few key takeaways from life, By Asadulla Sarkar 


Sasraya News
Author: Sasraya News

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